Deep South Terminology 2024 Replay



Instructor: Katty Kauffman

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Instructor: Katty Kauffman


Instructor: Katty Kauffman

This is the recording of the live webinar presented in July of 2024.

Course Summary:

The reforms to the criminal procedure codes in Latin America that commenced in Chile in the late 1990s and swept through the region like wildfire have created a wealth of opportunity for translators and interpreters to up their legal terminology game. Chile, Argentina, Peru and Colombia, Mexico--and others--have all overhauled their procedures, ushering in an era of striking similarities in both procedure and the use of language.

Join us for a two-hour language-specific session focusing on the similarities—and the differences—in terminology in use in criminal courts in Latin America today. We'll do a deep dive into the origin of the reforms (why this? why now?) and look at the procedural stages involved, from arrest through sentencing. Comparisons will be drawn with U.S. Federal and State procedure, where appropriate.

About the Instructor:

Katty Kauffman is a conference and legal interpreter, a graduate of Pedro de Valdivia School of Law in Santiago, Chile and the Certificate Program in Comparative U.S./Latin American Legal Reforms at Washington College of Law at American University in Washington, DC. A member of NAJIT and AIIC, she is a contributing author to the 2nd Edition of Fundamentals of Court Interpretation and a member of the Editorial Board of the 2nd Edition of Sandro Tomasi's Criminal Law Dictionary. A frequent speaker in the U.S. on the criminal procedure reforms that have swept Latin America, a former staff interpreter with the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida, she is currently freelancing at conferences and in court from her home base in Washington, DC.

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Please contact the ATA and/or your state regarding their policy for receiving credit for non-instructor led webinars. In some cases, you may need to complete a form to submit along with your certificate of completion.

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