Interpreting is a Performance Art: Act II

Course Summary:

In this 3-hour interactive follow-up course, participants will put into practice the skills and strategies to develop the skills learned in Interpreting is a Performance Art. Participants will practice vocal warm-up techniques to ensure clarity in their renditions, will practice interpreting emotional statements, finding strategies to get "un-stuck", and work on strategies to prepare for any terminology that may come up during an interpreting session.

This webinar is approved by:

  • Industry Organizations - ATA (3 CEP)

  • States: KY, MO, NC, NM, OH, OR, PA, TN


On-Demand Option Coming Soon!

Live Instructor-Led Course Dates

This course was great reminder of the care and training interpreters need to give their voice. I see this as a must for any working professional interpreter.
— Gabriela M.
All the correct terminology in the world won’t mean much if a court interpreter has not mastered the essentials of performance. This webinar takes a much-needed first look at those essentials.
— Mark McCaffrey, PhD, Federally Certified Court Interpreter.